Other universities with a similar mission include California State - Dominguez Hills, Northeastern Illinois University, Metro State University of Denver, Utah Valley University, Weber State University, Adams State University, and Nevada State University.
PSU is a teaching-oriented university that has a "Hispanic-
and Minority-Serving Institution" (HSI / MSI) designation to receive some federal funding.
PSU follows Boise State University, Portland State University, San Francisco State University, San Jose State University, San Diego State University, and Cleveland State University as a public university whose city-named title advertises its surrounding metropolitan area (Phoenix).
As a "low-cost" university, PSU must necessarily offer lower cost degree programs with a higher percentage of faculty having greater teaching assignments while charging tuition rates that satisfy the "as nearly free as possible" clause found in the Arizona Constitution.
IMPORTANT: Click here to view the proposed initial degree program list for UNT at Dallas.
In addition to programs listed in the link above, PSU would offer other workforce-oriented, academic programs such as Allied Health and Public Safety along with popular liberal arts and sciences programs such as English, psychology, biology, earth science, and mathematics.
The table above compares public Regional Universities of major cities with Phoenix.